Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day Recap

Valentine's day is usually a fun "Hallmark" Holiday for me. I love chocolate, flowers, traditional stuff....but what girl doesn't? This year was a little different because 1. Erik and I live together 2. I suck at keeping gifts until holidays. 3. We got hit by freakin' Snowmageddon....

Anyways, we were super lucky that our sweet neighbor let us use her shovel to dig Erik's car out, I repaid her with Valentine's day cake and she wrote us a nice note when she returned the container. We were able to make it to our favorite little Pho restaurant and then back home where we started the second season of House of Cards!! Which, by the way, the first episode is INSANE.

By Saturday, we needed to GET THE HECK OUT OF THE HOUSE.

So we went to DC and were planning to go to this Asian place that we had our eye on for quite some time, but of course they offered a limited menu for Valentine's day that had absolutely nothing on it that was Asian...Very disappointing, but we left and went to a pizza place, Pi Pizzeria, that we smelled on the way to the Asian place..and by smelled, I mean we literally smelled it for blocks. It turned out to be one of the most delicious places we have ever eaten. Yay for spontaneous decisions!! I tried to take pictures of the pizza that we got, but my phone died while we were at the restaurant. But trust me when I say it was delicious. After that we had found this little bar online that was supposed to be a quiet bar (we aren't into the whole "party bar" scene.) Unfortunately, it was anything but and they had very overpriced drinks. We had one drink and left and went to our favorite little bar called Shelly's Backroom. Despite it being very cold walking around in DC, Valentine's day was fabulous. I got to spend time with my love and eat delicious food, and that's what matters right?!

What did you do for Valentine's day? I loved seeing all the pictures of flowers, presents, food, etc.. :)

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