Thursday, January 1, 2015

What 2014 Taught Me

Every morning when I wake up, I look at my Time Hop and see different posts I've made on social media in the past 5 year. This is such a good reminder of how goals change, people enter/leave your life, lasting friendships, where you've been, etc. Throughout the past year, I've noticed that my goals completely changed. I am on a totally different path than I ever expected to be on - And for the first time, I feel like that is ok!

This time last year I had left a crummy job for a job where I was learning stuff and actually not scared to go to work. Why I stayed with a job that literally made me scared to go to work, is beyond me. I realized I don't deserve to be yelled at, I don't deserve to feel inferior, I don't deserve to let someone make me feel stupid.

I decided to get my real estate license despite everyone saying I was too young. I took the classes, I passed the tests, I filled out the papers. I have my real estate license. However, this was really  expensive. I wasn't making enough money to pay for all of the expenses that come with the title. I had to have a second job - waitressing.

Never in my time in college did I expect to not be making enough money - or that I would be waitressing. I was told in college that economics majors would be fine getting a job after college. For several months, I went to my first job, then went to my second job and usually did not get home until 11:30 PM. I became really unhappy. I felt like a failure. Why is this happening to me? I have a college degree.

I applied for jobs, I went to interviews. No one wanted to hire me. FAILURE.

In August, I went to Myrtle Beach. I got a call about a job that wanted me to do a phone interview. When I got home, I had my phone interview and called my mom after "Wow, that did not go well at all. There's no way they will give me a second interview." The next day I get called - They want a second interview. WHAT? After talking to the recruiter, I don't know if I really am interested in this job. Should I just tell them I'm sick and can't make the interview?

Nope. It was pouring, My panty hose ripped and I couldn't fine another pair to wear with my suit. I wore black pants and a nice top instead. There's no way this will work out, who wears something other than a suit to a professional interview? I could hardly see the road on the way to my interview because it was raining so hard. My GPS took me to the wrong place. UGH. I have 15 minutes to get there. UGH. I'm supposed to be 15 minutes early. I have failed again. Then, I bumped someone's car in the parking garage. WHAT? I have no money to pay for another expense. I leave a note anyway.

I make it to my destination with 5 minutes to spare. This really isn't going well. I am interviewing with the CEO of the ENTIRE company. I am a nervous wreck and my hair looks terrible because of the rain.

After the interview I was so happy to just get some chick fil a and take a nap.

I get woke up from my nap by a phone call! They want to hire me! Oh my goodness! I accept. I start in two weeks and use all my money to buy new clothes.

I quit both of my jobs. No more waitressing. No more real estate assistant. 

Turns out, I really love this new job. I am making much more money than I had been. I am working with people who challenge me, teach me, and expect a lot of me. I also get home at a normal time and go to sleep at a normal time. I am healthier, I am happier. Life is all of a sudden pretty great!

But what am I doing? This was supposed to be a temporary job until I made enough money to pay all of my real estate fees. But I really like this. Maybe real estate isn't actually what I want to do. I should really know what I want to do. All of my friends seem to have everything figured out.

As of today, January 1, 2015, I am still working at the job. I still love it. Did I ever imagine in college that this is what I'd be doing? Nope. But I like it. Maybe I don't need to use my degree to be happy. Maybe one day I will use it. All I know is that I am HAPPY! Sure my plans changed. I have not done anything to further my real estate career, and that's ok. Dreams change. Goals Change. Just be happy and never let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve to be.

I've realized that at 23, I do not need to have everything figured out. My path is to be determined, but I will continue to dream, and chase them!

Happy New Year, everyone!

And the notebook at TJ Maxx that inspired this post.....